86 in one go.
A team of a Para Military Force was coming back from a long and tiring operation. They were not aware, that the operation was far from getting over. Those unattended troops were caught unaware of the situation, only to be aware of being Martyr.
Yes, they are troops who have not been attended to, in both the time horizons, that is past and present time. And unfortunately they were caught napping in certain basics of security aspects.
Both these statements are 'interrelated'. Atleast now somebody should realise the need for 'taking care' and giving them their due. This does not mean increasing pay and allowances. It means giving their due respect, training, basic fighting and surviving requirements. Then 'take them to the task'. You will see the result. Army is magnanimous in committing to train the PMF. Why shouldnt one be ready to accept that 'i am not good enough, but i am not inferior. So i need some more training to improve myself'. People has to overcome their Egoistic shortcomings to fulfill their real life deficiencies. This is in house problem which can be done away with anytime. How about the responsible outsiders ?
'Something serious has gone wrong!'
'This incident has given strength to our will of fighting them!'
Are these the expected comments from the High Office bearers..???
Aren’t they supposed to use proper words..?? Don’t they have the suitable Officer’s support to provide them properly worded statements to make? One of the above statements was made by a Secretary itself. Where are we heading ..???
In one way the statement by HM ‘The buck stops in my desk’, is atleast confronting to some extent. Aren’t they a just Reserve Force for the Central Govt..??? If so why are they employed in such hard core fighting and if they are not then why are they treated like on…??
Why all these serious mistakes take place..?? Lack of Will. Lack of Will on the Govt's part...!!! Decide for sure, what one has to do, and pl stick on to it.
One particular state announces Rs. 5 lakhs for a martyr family….!! Hufff God, please make the people realize the cost of life, that is laid down fighting for others….!!! What is the Govt conveying to the public…??? Is it that ‘Thambi, you are making a mistake by going to serve the nation. Stop it, don’t do it. Please study computers and fly off to US and keep spoiling the Indian Economy..??’ This is the Govt that pays an one time grant of Rs. 5000 for being decorated by ‘Sena Medal’ of the Army, for which the individual leads without any hesitation regarding loosing own life and taking few weed's life from killing hundreds of people…!!
They are the people giving their today for other's today and tomorrow.
Please learn to respect the souls.