Sep 26, 2010

Expedition to South Pole

We all are aware that GoI keep sending Expedition teams to various extremes. But what we are not aware is the ugly side of these expedition. Any Expedition involves the proposal by the concerned Department to their Ministries and on Initial Approval, the files move to different Ministries for their recommendations and a final approval. These basically involves Home, Finance, External Affairs and Defence, where the 'chair logs' who seemingly does not know anything about the ground aspects involved. Things take its own course of time and action in getting the sanctions. Allegedly on an average, 13 Expeditions get cancelled every year just for the non availability of the sanction in stipulated time frame. Easily one can understand the reasons for these. Sometimes it happens that the team itself has to make initial payments out of their pockets, which are obviously reimbursed, but the question remains, “Why”.

The Netas and Babus of various departments, if at all exercise their power rightly and work according to the requirements, no expedition can get cancelled. After all various Departments are made of Babus like them only and Babus are also Humans, Indians like us. One has to wonder as to why the top men of a Department has to look at the 'Thumbs-Up' from the Secretary of the Government Head, only at the moment when the Head is reaching to flag-off the High Profile Ladies Expedition to Mt Everest.

With the opportunity to personally know about the stages of an Expedition materialising from paper to ground, I would not consider the statement, that this is one of the few expedition to get sanctioned in stipulated time frame, as a boasting. It is an Expedition to South Pole. It had its initial training in the Capital and has now gone out for a ground training. One may likely think, if this team can, the other 13 teams could have also. Believe me, it is not easy. Lack of inclination to work and the head developed over a period of time just because the individual is a GoI employee in the Capital are huge Bermuda Triangles, which sucks out your effort, desire and perseverance. I wonder, these GoI employees would have also been once Unemployed and looking up at somebody and cursing the system and when they become the part of the system they repeat the same to the next generation. Nobody is expected to change the system or revolutionise it, but please work at least as per the charter of duties and for heaven sake not to repeat the errors. Costly errors.

I would like to Congratulate this team on Expedition to South Pole and wish them all the Very Best for the successful completion. I only hope, that in the future at least, the teams have to put efforts only on the ground and not in some Offices.

Wish You all the very best for the Success.