It’s after a long time, i am writing here... Recently I saw the movie Foxcatcher and couldn’t resist writing about it...
The movie starts in a slow pace and gives a doubt if it’s about failed life of a successful athlete. It goes slowly for sometime confirming your doubt, but be aware it is to set you to the gripping mood of the movie. First the story, it’s loosely based on true event of an Olympic Wrestling Gold medalist being shot and killed by his rich mentor.
The movie sets out showing the dire need in which the athlete is, for preparing for the upcoming competitions. I was very happy that these are shown in a swift manner so as not to hold you down. The movie then seems to pick up some pace, however, it is purposefully mellowed-down to keep it slow in a mood of describing an irony. The wealthy patron facilitates the athlete well and they even set out winning World Championship. The Patron brings in the athlete's elder brother (who is also a medalist) also into the team and some misunderstanding breaks the tie-up with younger one after poor show in Olympics. Slowly, the Patron catches upon you. His body language, mannerism says everything. Finally not able to control things anymore, the Patron, drives up to the older brother, pulls out a gun and shoots him down.
First of all the director deserves the applause for not essaying, using a background voice or something, to explain each and every action of the people, but he makes you understand the reason rather than making it to be known. Each frame expresses people, makes you think that you know that person well and hence need no explanation.
But the hero of the movie is the Patron himself. It is played by Steve Carell. You may recall him from movies like Evan Almighty and Get Smart. I like him in Get Smart, a kind of spoof detective movie. I couldn’t believe myself, its Steve...!!! Tremendous performance. In fact, it’s because of his performance, i thought i should write this blog. If you have seen his earlier movies, he has been doing good comedy role, and i was not surprised in knowing that he was nominated as 'America's Funniest Man'. But the way he has handled himself here is totally unbelievable. He takes you into Du Pont's head, makes you to pity him, curse him, hate him, predict him, and yet love him.
Each and every frame Steve appears has its signature. Even when he is walking away from you, you can see his face, read his mind and know what he might do. When he swings the younger on against the older brother, during his formal conversation with his mom, when he demonstrates wrestling to her, he actually makes you think that you have been tele-ported to the actual events itself. I don’t want to keep mounting it over and over, but if you watch the movie, you are going to enjoy it thoroughly and love him...
(PS… The swiftness in which the Police moves in, courts an arrest and the fact that he was punished for murder and remained prison for life although being from the wealthiest and powerful family of America makes me jealous about their system. I wish even we have such robust and unbiased Police and Judicial Departments. I wish it happens, soon).