Mar 11, 2010

Indian War Movies

I happened to see the movie MacArthur again. You should see the movie to believe the performance of Gregory Peck. One would mistake the performance as real life video. Although there may be questions regarding the factual/political correctness of the movie, the performance is impeccable. The movie has scene worth mentioning. When the lady asks the General, 'How much good President will Gen Eisenhower would make?', the General replies, 'I think he would become a fine President, he was the best clerk, who has served under me!'. In a different scene, The President of America summons him for a situation review, only to receive a reply, that He is too busy to meet the President. Look at the guts. Conviction of the General as well as guts of the movie director to include the actual wordings. One may remember the 'I am God', dialogue by Robert De Niro in 'Men of Honor'. These movies reflect the society. Reflect the attitude of people towards people.

Lot many of us would have relished watching the movies like, Saving Private Ryan, Patton, Guns of Navarone, Eagle has Landed, Midway, Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, Bridge on the River Kwai, Dirty Dozen, Where Eagles Dare.... The list goes on...!!! I would request You to list few movies on Indian War heros. Yes there are few movies , but did we ever had the guts to picturise Field Marshal Manekshaw..?? Did we ever had the power of conviction to make a movie on the greatest human being who had the nerve to say to the Prime Minister, not to poke her nose into his affairs. Really pity on the society. We cant even make technically correct War movie. We dont glorify our war heros. We dont even bother to know them. God Save Us.

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